Ideas from chapter 1-chapter 2
Group members: YouWen Sun, Jungki Kim, HaeYoung Jung, YuRuey Lee, Yangyang Zhang (Study Group)
Every human being is a designer.
This sentence is awesome. It does not mean every human being is a professional designer without training. It means everyone can design a plan conceived in their mind.
Designers should know what their colleagues do.
I think it applies to any job. No matter what your job is, you should know some other things related to your job. For an industrial designer, he or she should know something like how carpenters or machines cutting woods, how architects building houses, how engine men fixing engines, and so on. It helps the designer to think in some other way, to design better products.
A designer must like understand people.
It is the most important part for a designer. Most designs are for human being, so designers must know what people needs, in order to create new or improve existing one. They should do some research first. They can’t design something just for fun or cool face, it must be designed usefully.
A designer works through for other people.
The sentence is a little familiar with the 3rd idea. A designer should concerned with people’s problems who he works for, not his own, like a doctor. A designer must be problem conscious.
Usually study design in Art School with workshop.
A designer should always know their design process and tools, not just learn by books or teachers, it should learn by some real practice. Like everything, for example, swimming. You can’t just learn swimming by listening or talking, you should down to the pool, to move, to Chokes the water. Through some frustrations or a totally lost, you can finally say: I made it.
Ideas from chapter 3-chapter 4
Group members: YiTing Cheng, YuNan Lin, Yangyang Zhang
(Official Group)
1. Love, work and knowledge are the wellspring of our life. They should also govern it. P21
2. The main difference between us is that your ignorance is superficial but mine is profound. P27
3. Design is a field of concern, response, and enquiry, as often as decision and consequence. P32
4. If ‘design’ is overlooked and the preceding paragraphs reconsidered as metaphor, it should be clear that the nine principles, translate very potently into the prerequisites for an apolitical social revolution, and that this is no accident. P42
5. Nor must we forget that a warm heart and a rather special view of history do not make a designer. Designing is very specific; a cultivated understanding is no guarantee of a specific creativity. P45
What is a Designer: Things. Places. Messages1 By Norman Potter. Fourth edition 2002, Hyphen Press, London.
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