Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dong's company design processes
There are just three words in their whole design process,DISCORER,DESIGN,DELIVER. It's simple but clean.I saw a lots of other companys' pages,in their process there are too many steps that may make me confused.But for flog's process i can clearly understand what is their plan,and what are they doing, and that allow their clients give the advice timely, i think that is very helpful. I think if they put some paragrph on evey step to support their idea, that will be better
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Lei's storyboard

The landform of San Francisco looks like a motain. I mean most ways are slopes. And the public transportation is very well, I think this information shows us there are many people walk. But when you walk and tire, you will find this problem---- find a seat is difficult in this city.

They workd very hard. Although they use their work to keep or improve the San Francisco's nice image, the safety is a big problem for them. Those uniform are very useful in the evening, but is that works very well in day.

They were not waiting for a bus or the traffic signalling. They were looking for the TAXI. I also have this kind of problems. Sometimes you very very need a TAXI, but you need to wait longtime. I f you have a plan, you can call TAXI when you ready to go. But if not or that is a sudden things, you will in trouble.
Jeff's Stroy Board
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
storyboard #2

Wheel Chair Access?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
PeiMing Chien - Assignment 2 - Design Process
My choice of design firm:
Group Four Inc.,
147 Simsbury RoadAvon, CT 06001
phone: 860.678.1570
fax: 860.678.0783
The product -
Killer Design for Scotts/Ortho
The product is a kill and contain mouse trap and the director of product design is Bob Bruno. His main focus on this product developement is "not only trap but how to make it meet the need. easy to use, clean, and reuse"
The design process -
Request by client, develop a purposal, product research,
market analsis, product testing, refine, production
PeiMing Chien - Assignment 1 - Quote from the Book
What Is A Designer by Norman Potter
1. "Design is a field of concern, response, and enquiring as often as decision and consequence. (ch1, p9:2)"
2. "Every human being is a designer.(ch1, p10:1)"
3. "Fine-art and design is different to setup satisfactory distinctions on the basis [of purpose] alone.(ch2, p16:1)"
4. "An ability to use words clearly, pointedly, and persuasively is at all time relavent to design work.(ch2, p18:2)"
5. "He must be able to thrive on constraint and to turn every opportunity to good account. (ch2, p18:3)"
Kristina Grindle - Ideas and Quotes: What is a Designer?
Industrial Design Process – Assignment One
Kristina Grindle
“What is a designer: things. places. messages” Chapters 1-8
The Quotes & Ideas:
1) “Every human is a designer.”(Pg.10)
- This statement brings a certain understanding that we are all designers without even knowing it. By having the ability to think for ourselves, we can change the rules how we live daily.
2) “Should a designer be a conformist or an agent of change?”(Pg.14)
- In this section of the book, the author addresses our own minds to dwell upon the whether a designer is strictly fixes the clients problems or if the designer brings the product to the clients before they even knew that they would need it.
3) The designer works with and for other people: ultimately this may be true of the fine-artist, but in the actual working procedure a designer’s formative decisions have a different order of freedom.”(Pg.19)
- At first, I was not sure if agreed with this statement. Because I am a fine-artist, I came back to this statement several times before it became on of the five quotes. However, it does make sense. Even when it comes to commission work, I spend a lot of time away from my buyers and most of my time in my studio alone; making decisions about the work I produce.
4) “For the designer, good design is the generous and pertinent response to the full context of a design opportunity, whether large or small, and the quality of the outcome resides in a close and truthful correspondence between form and meaning.”(Pg.31)
- This is very true! The form is important because it is its aesthetics that first interests a potential buyer. Then, the meaning is what keeps the potential buyer interested.
5) “The artisan is a blue-collar worker, he wears overalls (or needs to), has dust in his hair, and gets his hands dirty. Inescapably, he partakes of behavior patterns that distinguish working men from higher management, through he will earn rather less, work longer hours, and will approach his work with aims and standards that tradesmen will not normally articulate, or even find sympathetic.”(Pg.66-67)
- The artisan seems to be very attached to the work they are creating. I feel I can relate to this.
Lei‘s design processes assignment
Web Site: http://www.bresslergroup.com/process/innovation_intro.asp
Bressler Group is a full service product development firm. I like this page because it shows us what a whole design process is and uses a project (that is they already done) to explain. Their design process has 9 steps, those are planning, research, ideation, refinement, engineering, vndor sourcing, prototyping and testing, implementation, documentation and production. In every step, they have a very clear paragraph to show how that works and some support images to explain that. Overall, that is a good visual page for show design process to people who does not
expressly konw that.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Lei‘s assignment 1
1. It may be true that book-learning never made a designer; indeed, the best informed and most articulate people may be the least directly productive. (Page 76, Chapters 7)
2. The following notes develop a simple-minded strategy, in the form of map-making. By this means, an apprehensive student can hold the whole situation in the palm of his hand, and decide how best to serve his own priorities. (Page 76, Chapters 7)
3. Books are no exception, but all books are available to those who want them enough. (Page 77, Chapters 7)
4. For the present, design students risk an impoverishment of their work is they attempt to study one design category in conceptual isolation from its neighbors (and parents). (Page 79, Chapters 7)
5. If you want to link hands with the spirit of the modern movement, it won’t come to meet you; you must go and make is your own. (Page 109, Chapters 8)
Ideas from the "what is the designer"
1. “The following notes develop a simple-minded strategy, in the form of map-making. By the means, an apprehensive student can hold the whole situation in the palm of his hand, and decide how best to serve his own priorities.”
This sentence lets me think about how to be a student which can manage all things very well.(Page 76)
2. “What sort of books is it useful for a designer to read?” the author put this question after he introduces the situation of designers read books. And he answered “However, such reading will certainly include books with no ostensible bearing upon the contingencies of design practice”, “not merely with potency, but with resonance” and he gives 27 categories to audience.
That is a very interesting and useful idea for me because I need read many books, but I do not want to waste time in read useless book. This idea point out the way for me. (Page 77)
3. “Certain biographical studies become historical documents in virtue of subject and authorship, and these are worth watch for.”
That is another interesting idea for me because I never thought I can learn some useful things from biographical. That idea and examples changed my mind. (Page 81)
4. “For the present, design students risk an impoverishment of their work is they attempt to study one design category in conceptual isolation from its neighbors (and parents).”
This sentence and other things those are author wrote after that is a warning for me. (Page 79)
5. Design is thus simultaneously a realm of values and a matter of engrossingly particular decisions, many of which are highly technical.
The author explains "design" by his opinion and that is a new definition for me.(Page 109)
Yang's Design Process Website assignment
I had an ID background, so I learned something about ID process before. What BIG BANG taught me which I didn't realize clearly before is that, design is not one man's solo. You can't find problems, do some researches and brainstorm some solutions just by yourself. You should work with a team. Because one person can't consider everything perfect forever, and good design never designed by one man.
Yang's assignment one (5 ideas)
Group members: YouWen Sun, Jungki Kim, HaeYoung Jung, YuRuey Lee, Yangyang Zhang (Study Group)
Every human being is a designer.
This sentence is awesome. It does not mean every human being is a professional designer without training. It means everyone can design a plan conceived in their mind.
Designers should know what their colleagues do.
I think it applies to any job. No matter what your job is, you should know some other things related to your job. For an industrial designer, he or she should know something like how carpenters or machines cutting woods, how architects building houses, how engine men fixing engines, and so on. It helps the designer to think in some other way, to design better products.
A designer must like understand people.
It is the most important part for a designer. Most designs are for human being, so designers must know what people needs, in order to create new or improve existing one. They should do some research first. They can’t design something just for fun or cool face, it must be designed usefully.
A designer works through for other people.
The sentence is a little familiar with the 3rd idea. A designer should concerned with people’s problems who he works for, not his own, like a doctor. A designer must be problem conscious.
Usually study design in Art School with workshop.
A designer should always know their design process and tools, not just learn by books or teachers, it should learn by some real practice. Like everything, for example, swimming. You can’t just learn swimming by listening or talking, you should down to the pool, to move, to Chokes the water. Through some frustrations or a totally lost, you can finally say: I made it.
Ideas from chapter 3-chapter 4
Group members: YiTing Cheng, YuNan Lin, Yangyang Zhang
(Official Group)
1. Love, work and knowledge are the wellspring of our life. They should also govern it. P21
2. The main difference between us is that your ignorance is superficial but mine is profound. P27
3. Design is a field of concern, response, and enquiry, as often as decision and consequence. P32
4. If ‘design’ is overlooked and the preceding paragraphs reconsidered as metaphor, it should be clear that the nine principles, translate very potently into the prerequisites for an apolitical social revolution, and that this is no accident. P42
5. Nor must we forget that a warm heart and a rather special view of history do not make a designer. Designing is very specific; a cultivated understanding is no guarantee of a specific creativity. P45
ChangYu's sentences from book
1. As for design, there are time when to say no is a constructive act; to say yes, as a designer looking to the future, is to join social commitment to a mastery of particulars. In education, all we can do is make good work possible, and be alter to its coming; never fooling ourselves that all good things come easily. To work well is to work with love.
It was cited from page 30 in chapter 3 “design education: principle”
I like this phrase because it fully describe as a designer criticize an object, he or she should be objective and base on constructive perspective. Furthermore, in the end of sentience “To work well is to work with love” is my favorite because if I don’t like what I do, how can I persuade other people like my design. These reasons are why I chose the phrase.
2. For the designer, good design is the generous and pertinent response to full context of a design opportunity, whether large or small, and quality of outcome resides in close and truthful correspondence between form and meaning. The meaning of a good garden spade is seen in its behaviour, that it performs well; in its look and feel, its strength and required durability; in a directness of address through the simple expression of its function.
It was cited from page 31 in chapter 4 “What is good design?”
3. A product must not only be capatable of realization through manufacture, but in its very nature must respect all human and economic constraints that surround production and effective distribution.
It was cited from page 32 in chapter 4 “What is good design?”
4. One way to get the mature of a job, and to get close to it, is to project its life to absurdity ( in all direction: scale, function, material, etc.) and then to pull back to some sense of boundary in what you propose to do.
It was cited from page 48 in chapter 5 “Problem with method”
5. A socially adaptive view of design practice take the view that a designer accepts what he is given, and makes the best of it, by knowing how to weigh up his constraints shrewdly and logically.
It was cited from page 64 in chapter 5 “Problem with method”
ChangYu's company design processes
This is a traditional design firm.
The reason I like the processes of design in BMW because hey don’t use very difficult language to explain processes of design, and the organization is very lucid. They divide the process into three parts which are direction, design, and development. The three headlines directly give me the ideas what they are going to talk about. In addition, there are pictures which show the action of thinking, drawing, and fabricating, so I like this system more than other companies.
Silvia's Design Process assingment
To me, this process is very excellent and useful. It is very considerable and completed for a design process. The process section landed out with details development phases through case histories. Besides that, the visual design is also pretty clear and easy to understand. They use nine simple key words to illustrator their hole process and we can use the navigation bar to learn more. In each pages there are some pictures of their works to help us to understand quickly. In addition, the paragraph below complement lots of details.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Yvonne's Design Process Example
HS Process →Research & Immersion →Concept Ideation→ Concept Refinement →Mechanical Development →Testing and Validation →Manufacturing Implementation
HS Design is a non-traditional design company which products are includes three fields: consumer, commercial and medical. I choose this website for several reasons. First of all, we can easily see the processes with keyword and pictures. Also, when we click every picture, there is more text in every step so we can see more details and easily understand each process. The most important thing is that this company’s design processes is very complete.
I think this website is very helpful to me to understand design processes. I comprehend that I need to understand what the clients need and find out the problem. When we are researching, video observation and immersion are very helpful. We also need to think about human factors and user interface when we are brainstorming. Finally, testing the product is important before manufacturing.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Jeff's Design Process Website assignment
Brooks Stevens
I found several websites that have the design process, but I chose Brooks Stevens finally. This company is a traditional design company, it designed many kinds of products, such as crayon, desk, lawn tractor, and so on. However, the main reason is that its design process is better than others. It uses simple and clear pictures to display each step, and then adds words to explain clearly. The more important thing is that it puts the keywords in each step, so visitors can understand what the main point is. For the above reasons, it is good enough to explain its design process, but if it added some videos, it would have been better than now.
After researching, I understand what the design process is. The most important point is how to find the problems and solve it. First of all, we need to learn how to find the problems, so observation is necessary for a designer. And then we have to brainstorm in designing for new products. Through a numbers of barriers, we can get a final answer and solve the current problems. Although the final answer is not the best, it changes the existing difficulties. These points are my opinions of industrial design process.
Hae young's assignment 2
definition > discovery > evaluation & refinement > implementation
They categorize their design process into four simple keywords and each step has several details(right bottom part). It's pretty clear and easy to understand. There is not much text, are not long sentences. Instead of that, some photos show what they work and how they work together. From 'definition' to 'implementation', I could see overall their design process efficiently.
JungKi's Design Process Example
Fritz Hansen is Denmark-based furniture design company.Although the name of this company is not friendly, Fritz Hansen's swan, egg chairs are very famous all over ther world. You can see the video clip Creative director and designer talk about Fritz Hansen's design process.The director talk briefly and to the point about company's design process.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
JungKi's Assignment 1
(P15, 1st paragraph line 10)
: Designers should know what others do to extend their own thinking and do their work effectively
2. In this respect he might be seen as a medical man, with the responsibility a doctor has for accurate diagnosis (problem analysis) and for a relevant prescription (design proposals), though the comparison should not be taken too far.
(P19, 4th paragraph line 4-7)
: Designers work for other people. They recognize other people’s problem, analyze the problem and present the best solution to others.
3. Thus many specific responsibilities may arise – to clients, contractors, to the public who use the end-product, to numerous specialists or colleagues who may be involved if the undertaking is a large one.
(P20, 4th paragraph line 1-3)
: Design work involves many different people so designers should reconcile those people.
Also, designers should know exactly about the problem to treat and reconcile the conflicting factors.
4. Designers use words constantly and in direct relation to their work
(P22, 1ST paragraph line 6-7)
: Communication between clients and designers is very important. Thus, designers need an ability to use word clearly to express their works.
5. He must like and understand people and be able to treat with them; he must be able to accept fairly complex situations in which he may well be working as a member of a team.
(P22, 2nd paragraph line 8-10)
: Most design projects are team project. Any project couldn’t be completed by only one person.
Silvia's assignment one
1, The design of a traffic light system has an aesthetic component, but it would need a very special definition of aesthetics to embrace the many determining factors that must finally settle the design outcome. ---------chapter 1.Page 11
I think Industrial Design is a rational design process. Besides beauty, it needs us to consider lots of other determining factors such as technology, function, specific standard and so on.To my mind, a good Industrial Design work is not only have beautiful exterior appearance but also should have low costing, good feeling to people and perfect function.
That is why I love Industrial Design so much. Just like a game, it will give me some aesthetic latitude to creative and it also have lots of things to limit me, which look like some games' rules. I think it is very interesting and full of challenges. I like to do creative things and design esthetic products.
2,All designers, however specialized should know roughly what their colleagues do– and why; not only to fertilizer their own thinking, but also to make group practice effective, and for other reasons that will appear. --------chapter 1.Page 12
Now team work ability is very important to our designers. A big design project always needs a team to accomplish. Designers should know how to get along with other people. For one point, they can share their experiences which will good for a designer who have a lot of experience in different fields. In addition, they can just talk about the part they concerned recently, it will broaden their horizons and bring them new ideas. At last, as the article said to make group practice effective. And to me I want to be a senior designer so that I need more team work ability, beside this I also need organization ability. That is way I do the leader in my undergraduate school, and I will continue to enhance this ability .
3,By the word ‘student’, therefore, I mean those who still question what they are doing, and ask why. ---------chapter 1.Page 14
I just like this sentence, to be a student I should to ask myself what I am doing, and why I am doing this all the time. It will make me clearly, and don't do something useless to waste my time; get the knowledge as soon as I can. And to be a design student I think ask myself from time to time can make me thinking continually, so I can keep my mind clearly to find new ideas.
4,Not, obviously, a full description, and perhaps a somewhat negative one, but making the fact plain that a designer works through and for other people, and is concerned primarily with their problems rather than his own. ---------chapter 2.Page 19
To be a designer, to meet the clients requires are very important. We need to provide a professional service. To find their problems and make great efforts to solve their problems which is primarily for designers. We can not involve lots of ourselves emotions in the design process. Designer should consider other people's feeling than himself because this is design for other people not for himself.
5, He must be able to weigh up a problem, or an opportunity, in a dispassionate way, on it terms(as well as his own), and to select, arrange, and dispose his decisions accordingly.
---------chapter 2.Page 22
The ability of find problems and solve problems are very important to a designer. Designer should be sensitively to find the problems what is it and where is it, then make a deal ways to try to know how to solve it. During this process designers must to distinguish through lots of problems which one is the most important problem, and use the organize ability to arrange all the problems which need to solved. At least, keep a clearly mind to make a better design method to solve these problems.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Hae young's assignment one
1. design : ‘a plan conceived in the mind’ (chapter 1)
- It’s really simple but clear sentence. Design is creating new things. Thus, I think that it arise from imagination -mind.
2. all designers should know roughly what their colleagues do (chapter 1)
- For designers, observing each other is very helpful. If designers know other designers’ own thinking and share good ideas, they can get a lot of benefits. In addition, their work can be done more effectively and they can make a good decision.
3. a designer works through and for other people and is concerned primarily with their problems rather than his own. (chapter 2)
- A designer should think other people who might use his design in the future. That’s a difference between artists and designers. While most artists work for their own satisfaction, designers should concern people’s problem rather than their own and suggest a solution like a doctor.
4. At every stage of design there will be discussion, questions and argument. (chapter 2)
- A good design comes from numerous questions and discussion. Lots of questions and answers bring potential alternatives and designers can approach the best result through discussing with colleagues and clients.
5. a design work is ten per cent inspiration and ninety per cent fairly hard work. (chapter 2)
- Hard work is required for designers than any other jobs. Professional skills, various ideas, researches about that and other processes are needed. It takes much time and efforts.
Friday, September 11, 2009
blue dot clock
Patrick's Design Process Example
Patrick's Module 1
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Yvonne's assignment one
Designers should know what my colleagues think because product design includes many field. We should consider the marketing, engineering, cost and how to produce the product.
2.In this respect he might be seen as a medical man, with the responsibility a doctor has for accurate diagnosis (problem analysis) and for a relevant prescription (design proposals), though the comparison should not be taken too far. (Ch2 p.19)
Designers are like doctor because we find problems and solve them. So we can make people feel better just like a doctor.
3.Designers use words constantly and in direct relation to their work; in forming and discussing ideas, assessing situations, annotating drawings, writing specifications and letters, and in report writing. (Ch2 p.22)
Designers should use words clearly because we need to let people understand what we think correctly.
4.He must like understand people and be able to treat with them; he must be able to accept fairly complex situations in which he may well be working as a member of a team. (Ch2 p.22)
Designers should be like understand people. For example, when we design a chair, we should not only make it beautiful but also need to think is it comfortable to people? Is it easy to use? We need to observe people and find out what they need.
5.Again, the fact that design work is ten per cent inspiration and ninety per cent fairly hard work. (Ch2 p.22)
Hard work is very important. Only hard work can make our idea come true.
Assignment Week 2
Please focus your exercise this week only on the research phase of the ID process. This will complete our first three week cycle.
Week 1 - experience
Week 2 - practice
Week 3 - collect what you've learned into a presentation
Use the portion of the research portion of the "ID Process" to draw and define a problem or process that you observe this week.
Use photography, key words and sketching as a method for your visual representation.
Please pin this up on the wall at the start of class.
Blog Suggestion
Should we put the same homework in one topic?
Everyone put their own topic in the blog, it causes the blog look mess.
How does everyone think?
Please do some suggestions.
Best Regards,
Jeff's assignment one
Design capability combines with designer’s knowledge, skill and life experience because they affect designer’s creation.
2. In a word, the chance of participation in all the stress and stimulus of a particular community with shared aims. (Page 26.)
Shared aims are an important thing because it can help us to improve our insight and idea.
3. On the other hand, a design can say to us ‘here’ is a problem that is so well understand that it can be felt to be moving toward an optimum solution; the design is inclined in that direction’. (Page 31.)
Design purpose is to solve problems, so it is important to understand what the real problems are.
4. It is also true, and one function of the discussion to demonstrate, that this movement can never usefully be seen as a fashionable option that now happens to be passé. It is a serious demand upon intellectual assent and practical action. (Page 43.)
Design has to follow the demand and trend, but some famous design products still are accepted by customers through many years.
5. In the design field it is not just a matter of exchanging affective imagery for austerities that are deemed to have had their day. (Page 44.)
Design isn’t just something to exchange and has to examine motivational forces with a more intimate sense of their origins, and the cost of their frustration.
multilingual blogging
ID Process (lorris)
Lorris assignment one
Ideas and Quotes From the First 8 Chapters of: What is a Designer: Things. Places. Messages1 By Norman Potter
-Chapter #1:
Design requires constant questioning. What are the design problems, who are the users, what are the economic or material considerations? To design one must always be in some sense a student.
Quote from page 13: “There is a perfectly good sense in which a creative worker remains, perpetually a humble student of his subject.”
Quote from page 14: “By the word ‘student’, Therefore, I mean those who still question what they are doing, and ask why.”
-Chapter #3:
A designer requires principles. There should be an ideal, moral or ethic underpinning to a design.
Quote from page 23: “In short the designer, like other honest citizens, will need access to faith and vision as much as to a keen analytical intelligence to engage with life effectively, and to make something good through work.”
-Chapter #4:
A designer is part of and constrained by social conditions, considerations and limits, but a designer also influences these things.
Quote from page 35: “He is of and for the people; and for them and for himself, he must work at the limit of what he sees to be good.”
-Chapter #5:
Innovation for innovations sake may not be good design. To throw out designs, ideas and even objects from the past for no other reason than that they are not new is wasteful.
Quote from page 58: “This is only one of many possible design activities which (like interior design) are interpretive in their nature, and which could offer a contribution within the spectrum of ‘adapt, adjust, make do, mend and develop’: as distinct from ‘erase, forget and innovate’.
-Chapter #8:
Design comes from day to day living and observation. Design ideas are everywhere and unique to a persons(or peoples) collections for experience and experiences.
Quote from page 95: “Fortunately, the veriest beginner can draw confidence from the same source as a seasoned design specialist, once it is realized that the foundations of judgment in design, and indeed the very structure of decision, are rooted in ordinary life and in human concerns, not in some quack professionalism with a degree as a magic key to the mysteries”
1) What is a Designer: Things. Places. Messages1 By Norman Potter. Fourth edition 2002, Hyphen Press, London.